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11 12, 2024

2024 at TOSA TOOL

December 11th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

2024 at Tosa Tool has been exciting to say the least. We started the year off with new, more competitive pricing, many more "ON THE WEB" products for specific machines and the mighty page "CUSTOM PLATE BUILDER"! This project was something I wanted to do for a long time, offer a "plain jane square inch"

24 10, 2023

2023, Focus, Organize, and Build Strategic Partnerships

October 24th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|

2023 has been a complete dedication to doing what we do best, BETTER. Getting ourselves reorganized and finding new and stronger partners after the Pandemic. This year we have found new and stronger material suppliers, a new grinding team and several new parts suppliers. All of this has been done to bring our customers the

27 05, 2022


May 27th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

These years have been "interesting" to say the least. Covid-19, Supply chain problems, material shortages, worker shortages (and wage/benifit issues), and now inflation / market fluctuations are making it "DIFFICULT" for small businesses to say the least. Almost impossible. Never the less we have soldiered on. In September of 2021 we added another VMC to

18 10, 2020

2020, Oh what a year its been so far…..

October 18th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

2020 here started with a BANG, new products and new machinery had us off and soaring to an excellent year. Our biggest new product is the six inch modular vise. Designed to be very rugged and simply designed this small but tough vise is a perfect match for your Modular Fixturing Sub Plate from Tosa

21 05, 2019

2019 Year of the Customer

May 21st, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Spring / Summer 2019 This year we have chosen to focus on giving the customers exactly what they want, when they want, and for the best possible prices. We have changed our part numbers, materials, options, designs and our pricing to reflect this. We are also working diligently to get all of our designs up

8 03, 2018


March 8th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

ABOUT 2017 It's very hard to express how difficult 2017 was here at Tosa Tool. In January 2017 I decided to "go for it", we had struggled with our current space for a long time and we simply couldn't keep up in it with our orders and services. The decision was made to move Tosa

  • Tooling Upgrade
7 03, 2018

Tosa Tool Gets a 2018 Face Lift!

March 7th, 2018|Categories: News, Uncategorized|

Early in January of 2018 we completed our new tooling package upgrade, this is something we ordered in September of 2017 and it has all finally come in. It includes the best drilling, boring, threading and milling equipment made currently for all 3 of our CNC mills, and it was not cheap. As you may

24 09, 2017

Tosa Tool LLC Offers New Hobbyist Class Modular Tooling Plates

September 24th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

After the success of the TT1634CH (same EXACT design as the TT1634C but in a softer steel) Tosa Tool continues the trend with 3 new designs, one for each of the Tormach lineup TT1100H, TT770H and TT440H. All of these plates are made with excellent higher carbon steel and all are a full .8750" thick

15 07, 2015

Tosa Tool Fronts ‘Maker Revolution’ with Range of Modular Fixturing Plates

July 15th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

Do-It-Yourself machinists are set to enjoy efficiency and economy with the launch of a new line of modular fixturing products from Tosa Tool . Engineered for small businesses, educational institutions and other clients operating small form factor CNC or Bridgeport style CNC knee mills, the Tosa Tool’s intelligent manufacturing work holding solutions are at the