Our Services
Tosa Tool Specializes in services and products for Do-It-Yourselfers, Engineers, Shop Owners, Entrepreneurs, Doctors, and Engineering Students. We can do it all, from a sketch on a napkin to a fully functioning manufacturing solution then off to the marketing and web design team for a full E-Commerce solution. Now your in business

Whether you are an inventor, an engineer or a college student working on an assignment, you need things made. Tosa Tool specializes in prototype parts. If you have a blueprint, a Solidworks file or even a sketch on a napkin, we will work closely with you to bring your ideas to life.

Modular Fixturing
Tosa Tool Modular Fixtures will change the way you look at machining. Short run jobs start simple, repeat jobs go back on your machine EXACTLY where they were last time, and our modular fixturing will change the maximum travels on your CNC mill.

CAD/CAM Services
SolidWorks designing and blueprinting paired with multiple CAM programs at Tosa Tool ensure that we can handle your design needs. From the back of a napkin to expert solid files to professional blueprints, CNC programs and prototype parts.

Turn Key Solutions
Tosa Tool can help you take your sketch on a napkin to reality and put it in your customers hands. We help you every step of the way from what machinery to purchase the a fully function website complete with an online store. If you have a product in mind, we can help you make it a reality.

Job Shop
Need a company who will work with you like a partner to manufacture your products in low to medium volume? The Tosa Tool job shop will be happy to quote on your existing projects, and work with you hand in hand on your new designs.

Tormach Solutions
Looking to bring your manufacturing requirements in house? The Tormach PCNC 1100 and PCNC 770 CNC mills can cost effectively get you started. Tosa Tool’s Turn Key Solutions and Tormach Approved Accessories ensure a rapid return on your PCNC investment.