Article in Manufacturing Engineering covers Tosa Tool.
My exploits in short run and prototype machining get the attention on the folks at Manufacturing Engineering. Link to article.
My exploits in short run and prototype machining get the attention on the folks at Manufacturing Engineering. Link to article.
Parts made for Eric Ware a mechanical engineer in Plymouth Minnesota for his prototype high speed bicycle make the cover of Digital Machinist. Click cover to download PDF of story. Tosa Tool takes the cover! Article in PDF
My exploits in short run and prototype machining get the attention on the folks at Design Fax. Link to article.
Move to new facilities in Madison Wisconsin adds space and broader customer base. We are now 20 minutes from the Tormach Machine Company in Waunakee, WI. A sure aid to our Tormach customers.
New turning and CNC capabilities added. The purchase of our new VMC with a fully programmable 4th axis and our addition of a new tool room lathe add to Tosa Tools capabilities.